
Is Email Marketing Effective? A Guide for Businesses

Is Email Marketing Effective? A Guide for Businesses

About 280 billion emails are sent each day. Many of them are marketing emails sent by businesses to consumers.

These numbers sound impressive until you pause to ask just how many of those emails get opened. A good deal of them hit junk inboxes, never to be seen again. In that case, you’re wondering, “Is email marketing effective?”

Many people have wondered the same thing. Despite reports to the contrary, there’s evidence email marketing is still effective. If you don’t use it already, you should consider an email campaign for your marketing strategy.

Of course, if you want your email marketing campaign to be a success, you’ll need to understand how it works. This guide explains everything you wanted to know about effective email marketing. We’ll also share some tips to help you make it work for your business.

The Basics of Email Marketing

The first two questions you have are likely what is email marketing and how does it work? These are common questions. Answering them is a great place to start.

Email marketing is the art of sending marketing materials via email. If you’ve ever received an email about a sale at your favorite store, you’ve seen email marketing in action.

This form of marketing is very similar to direct mail campaigns. Unlike those campaigns, email is instantaneous, low-cost, and has better lead-generating potential. You can deliver an email to a client in a matter of seconds, and they can click a link to take advantage of your promotion.

Is Email Marketing Effective?

We’ve answered the “how” of email marketing, but you’re still wondering how effective it is. Does email marketing work?

Some people will tell you no. Chances are these people have had limited success with their own email campaigns. It’s likely they’re making at least one common email marketing mistake.

Statistics, on the other hand, show email marketing works. The catch is you need to execute the campaign properly. Effective email marketing techniques are always shifting, so you have to act fast to keep up.

A few quick statistics show exactly how effective email marketing is:

  • Every dollar you spend on email marketing brings $38 in revenue
  • The ROI of email marketing outperforms direct mail by almost 30 percent
  • Email marketing still outperforms social media advertising

Given these numbers, it’s clear email marketing is a safe bet for your business.

How do You Make Email Marketing Effective?

The numbers show that email marketing is effective. If you want to be successful, you’ll need to make sure you’re doing email marketing right. How does email marketing work in 2018?

As mentioned, the most effective techniques are always changing. Consumers are quick to opt out of email marketing if they think you’re spamming them. It’s important to get both the content and the frequency of your campaigns correct.

In 2018, you have to be personalizing the emails you send. Dynamic text makes this easy to achieve. You also need to be sure you’re using good subject lines.

Start Your Campaign Today

So, is email marketing effective? You bet it is! The trick is to make sure you’re designing an engaging campaign for your clients.

Not sure how to get started building a great campaign? Get in touch to get some expert feedback on your email marketing efforts.

Why Clean Web Design is So Important

Your website is your online business storefront. And you want to make sure you have one that lets your customers know who you are and welcomes them in within the first several seconds.

But how do you effectively do that in such a small amount of time?

With a clean web design, that’s how. Less is more when it comes to your website. And that doesn’t have to mean minimalist, but clean and simple.

To explain it more, let’s look at exactly why a clean web design is so important for your business website.

Timeless and Classic

A busy or complicated web design can become outdated very quickly. As soon as you make one update, it will feel like you need to turn around and make yet another one. Which is a waste of precious time and money.

A clean design is classic. You won’t need to make a lot of revisions because the simple design will withstand changing trends.

Loads Faster

When your website has complex images, too many options, and just a lot of STUFF, it’s going to slow down the amount of time it takes your site to load.

That can lead to a high bounce rate and lost business.

Having a clean design will increase your load times, which will attract new readers and more search engine traffic.

Easier to Use

The whole point of your website is for your visitors to use it and create more business. So make a site that will be easy for them to use!

A clean design will have things laid out neatly. It will easily navigate them on where to go and what to do. And they’ll be able to scan through your content with no problem.

It won’t be confusing and cluttered. In cases like that, visitors are more likely to get frustrated and leave your site. Quite the opposite of what you want them to do.

Professional and Trustworthy

Customers are more likely to do business with a website that looks professional. You can achieve this with a simple and clean design.

A visitor will judge your site within the first several seconds. By focusing your homepage on the key element of your business, they will know who you are and what you’re all about.

When that happens, it builds trust. And trust leads to new customers. And now you see where this is going…

Easier for Google to Understand

SEO is very important to your website, which means you want to be best friends with Google. And to do that, you need a website it can scan easily.

When Google is able to crawl your website with no problems, that will help it rank higher in search engine results. And that will equal up to more website visitors.

But if your website is busy and overcomplicated, you’ll confuse the Google crawl bots. Which means you’ll drop in search engine results and visitors coming to your site.

A Clean Web Design Is Good Business

Making it easy for your customers to do business with you online is the ultimate goal of your website. And a clean web design is the perfect way to achieve that.

Ready for us to help you put together the perfect clean design for your website? Contact us today to set up a consultation!

5 Web Design Trends to Gear Up for in 2019

At last count, 4.1 billion people are using the internet regularly. That number has grown exponentially from where we were a decade ago when just 1.5 billion people were online.

That growing digital population means it is vital for your business to have an exceptional website that’s on pace with web design trends and meets consumer’s growing expectations.

To help put you on the right track, our team has put together this article. In it, we are going to outline 5 of the top trends you’ll start seeing on websites in 2019!

1. Video Backgrounds

Video backgrounds have been growing in popularity since 2016 but we feel they’re going to be among the go-to web design trends come 2019.

Streaming platforms like YouTube, Facebook and others have all proven via their billions of hours of daily content consumption that people online love video. As a matter of fact, they prefer them as a means of communication when compared to still images and text.

That’s why you may want to consider placing a full-screen video banner on your site’s homepage that captures traffic’s attention and keeps people on your website.

2. Chatbots

Bots on websites trying to direct user engagement are nothing new.

The sophistication that chatbot platforms like Aivo and Botsify have brought into the mainstream, however, have truly solidified the worth of integrating an AI into your sales funnel.

Not only can Chatbots provide excellent upfront customer service, they can also help users navigate your website by suggesting products. Look for Chatbots to pop up on more websites as webmasters look to up their service game and drive more sales.

3. Single Page Design

People have shorter attention spans than goldfish today. When they access a website online, they want it to load fast and they want to find what they’re looking for faster.

That’s why one-page designs are going to see an uptick in adoption among 2019 web design trends.

One page designs force you to be concise in your presentation. They also, tend to dominate Google Page Speed tests and can get customers to where they want to go in a scroll or two.

4. Serif Fonts Breakthrough

Sans Serif has been the traditional way to go with your web fonts. That’s because mobile phone resolutions and sub-par font support made serif font rendering a dicey proposition.

With how far mobile has come in the way or replicating traditional desktop experiences and growing sophistication of browsers, expect to see more businesses getting creative in their implantation of serif fonts throughout their design.

5. Mobile First Approach and Decreased Page Load Times

We’ve combined these two design trends into one because both have been front and center the last 3 years. Still, as companies continue to one-up each other, you’re going to find that 2019 brings with it more attention for mobile users and page load speeds that are truly remarkable.

Wrapping Up 2019 Web Design Trends

2019 is going to bring with it a ton of new web design trends that are aimed solely at improving user experiences and peaking customer interest.

Are you ready to compete?

If not, our team Enfuse can help.

Our group of web design experts specializes in providing entrepreneurs like you with the tools you need to maximize your online presence, capture qualified leads, and make your organization more profitable.

Learn more about the services we offer or contact us today to find out more about what we can do for you!

Which Social Media Channels Should Your Business Use?

These days, a social media presence is a must for just about every business. If you’re not using social media, or if you’re not using the right channels, you’re likely missing out on a ton of potential new customers.

Figuring out how to use social media the right way can be tricky, whether you’re a new business owner or a seasoned pro.

To help you get started, listed below are some of the best social media channels you should be using to promote your business.

Benefits of Social Media

If you’re convinced that social media just a passing fad, think again. There are tons of benefits that come from using social media for your business, including the following:

  • Increased revenue
  • Better brand development
  • Attracting new customers
  • Market research opportunities
  • Networking opportunities
  • Recruitment

A strong social media presence also improves your search engine rankings. This, in turn, makes it easier for people to find your business and purchase your products or services.

Best Social Media Channels for Business Promotion

If you’re interested in reaping the benefits of social media usage for your business, it’s important to make sure you’re using the right channels. The following are the best social media channels that every business should be utilizing:


Facebook is the world’s largest social network. It boasts 1.47 billion active daily users and 2.23 billion active monthly users. If you’re not on this platform, you’re missing out.

People spend a lot of time on Facebook each day, which means that it’s the perfect place to share information about your products and services and connect with potential new customers.


Twitter is another highly popular platform with millions of daily users. A large portion of Twitter users also use the platform several times per day.

Twitter is best for building brand loyalty and brand awareness, rather than generating leads. The majority of users feel connected to the business that they follow and are likely to be repeat customers.


LinkedIn is growing rapidly and is a great platform for B2B marketing. LinkedIn connects you to other professionals in your industry and provides tons of networking opportunities.


Many people underestimate the power of Pinterest. It’s a popular sharing platform that actually has higher revenue per click than any other social network.

Some people assume that Pinterest is only for women and won’t be useful to them. In reality, though, women only account for about half of all Pinterest users, so there are plenty of opportunities to appeal to male users.


Instagram is another essential platform for people who want to build their business and connect with potential customers.

Instagram is a visual platform that generates tons of engagement — way more than platforms like Twitter that rely more on text.

Tips for Gaining Social Media Followers

Once you’ve established a presence on these social media channels, it’s also important to take steps to help you gain followers. These tips will help you increase your follower count and see the benefits you’re looking for:

  • Post content that provides value (tips, product details, information about the company, etc.)
  • Write a professional social media bio
  • Use relevant hashtags
  • Respond to comments and engage with your followers
  • Post consistently
  • Follow people back
  • Use an authoritative voice

It’s also helpful to host giveaways and contests on a regular basis. This helps you spread the word about your business and provides an opportunity for you to give back to your customers.

Need Help Marketing Your Business?

Whether you need help improving your presence on social media channels or want to overhaul your website design, we can help at Enfuse Creative Design.

Contact us today to learn more about our services or to get started on your next project!

What Is Brand Identity? 4 Things You Need to Know

When starting your own company, you want to make sure it represents who you are and what you stand for. And developing the perfect brand identity is just the thing to help you do that.

But what exactly is brand identity? And how do you go about developing one for your particular business?

To take the confusion out of it, let’s take a look at “what is brand identity?” and 4 things you should know about it.

What Is Brand Identity?

Your brand identity is what shapes your company. (Yes, it’s that important.) But don’t let that scare you because you can make it anything you want it to be.

It’s the visual design that sets you apart from your competition. It’s how people will instantly recognize your products and services. It also sets the tone for how they will perceive your business.

In short, it’s your company’s face to the world. So, you want to make sure it reflects exactly who you are.

Here are 4 things you should know about brand identity.

1. How to Develop Your Brand Identity

Before you can develop your brand identity, you need to be able to answer these questions about your business:

  • Who are we?
  • What makes us special?
  • What is our company’s personality?
  • What are our values?

Once you answer these questions, you can start to develop the tone and style for how to shape your identity.

2. Components of Your Brand Identity

The components of brand identity are the visual elements of the design. This includes your font choice, your company color palette, and the form and shapes of your logo.

Choosing these elements carefully is critical to creating the image you want to represent your company.

Are you fun and laid-back? Stylish and modern? Or strictly business formal?

Whatever your style and personality may be, each component should reflect it accurately. If not, it can create confusion about who you are and what you represent.

3. Where to Use Your Brand Identity

Your brand identity should be used on all material that represents your company. This includes items such as the logo, packaging, website, business cards, and social media graphics. You’ll even want to use it on employee uniforms.

Essentially, anything that is from or about your company will need to have the brand identity on full display.

4. Mistakes to Avoid

Once you have a successful identity going, you want to make sure it stays that way. Here are a few things you’ll want to keep in mind:

  • Keep it consistent. Don’t make your business card look different from your company packaging. Even slight changes will only confuse people and make them question what is going on with your company.
  • Train all current and new employees on your brand identity. Your employees also represent your business and need to understand what the brand is all about.
  • Refresh all company materials should you ever do a re-branding of your business. ALL of it.

The Right Brand Identity Can Make All the Difference

After you answer what is brand identity to your particular business, you can work on nailing down the plan that will work for you.

And when your identity is on target, your customers will know who you are and have confidence in doing business with your business.

Ready to get help on developing your business’s brand identity? Click here to contact us today!

The Top 5 SEO Best Practices in 2018

The world of search engine optimization is constantly evolving. Are the tactics you and your brand employ still up to par with what Google and your audience expect?

Here are five SEO best practices in 2018 to help you get up to speed.

1. Structured Data

Within the last year or so, many search engine users have begun to rely on rich snippets to obtain more information about a source. If you’re not sure what a rich snippet is, here’s a quick example.

Let’s say you’re Googling some restaurants in your area. You look at the first two search results and notice that their information is set up slightly differently.

One includes a brief description of the restaurant while the other includes a description as well as an overview of its reviews and general pricing information. The latter is utilizing rich snippets, and according to research, is more likely to get the click over its competition.

More importantly, the site that utilizes rich snippets is more likely to receive a better SERP ranking.

2. Layered Keywords

One of the biggest components of SEO has always been the use of great keywords. While keywords are still among the biggest factors among SEO trends 2018, the game has changed a bit.

Instead of relying on a primary keyword, many brands are utilizing secondary keywords to boost their on-page SEO. Now, it isn’t enough to have one great keyword for your content — you’ll need to come up with a list of at least half a dozen in addition to your primary keyword.

3. Voice Search

Hey Siri, show me why so many users prefer voice search.

Yes, even the fundamental way users search for information has changed thanks to AI-assisted technology. As a result, you’ll need to start tailoring your website and content to a voice-driven audience.

Think about natural phrasing one would use when searching for a topic instead of what sounded best to Google a year ago. The more natural and realistic your keywords are, the better.

4. Authority-Driven Content

With many people more skeptical than ever about what they read on the Internet, now is the time to establish your website as an authority.

If you’re not already in the habit of sourcing your information with reliable links, that needs to change ASAP. Before you link to a website, consider its sources.

Is the site a trusted leader in your field? Is the site secure? Is the information even relevant to your audience?

Yes, this requires more work on your part. However, proving yourself as an authority can be an invaluable asset to your site.

5. Reviews

Reviews are still one of the biggest factors in a business’ branding strategy. So it’s time to focus on generating more reviews for your business.

Many sites opt to include a testimonials page on their website but don’t forget to seek reviews from external sources, as well. Most customers are going to seek out reviews on a brand before a purchase, so having easily accessible reviews can help you make the sale.

These SEO Best Practices In 2018 Will Help You Dominate Google

After reading this list of SEO best practices in 2018, your head may be spinning. And understandably so.

Google’s frequent tweaking of its algorithm can be hard to keep up with. But for now, focus on implementing these five strategies.

And don’t forget, Enfuse is here to help. From creating gorgeous websites to generating stunning graphics to SEO and so much more, we want to help your brand succeed. So get in touch today and let us worry about the details.

Posted in SEO

How to Get More Leads: 6 Useful Tips

Attracting leads is the biggest challenge for 65% of businesses.

Most business owners struggle with marketing. Experienced marketers know that people need to hear about something several times (up to ten) before it really kicks in.

However, they don’t have a plan to get their business in front of their potential customers that many times.

The solution is lead generation. It is the process of developing relationships with your customers every step of the way.

Here are some marketing tips on how to get more leads.

1. A Personal Touch

It starts the first time customers hear about your business and continues throughout the whole buying process. It even covers all of the interactions that you have after the sale.

Nurture the relationships that you have in person. Many businesses have people coming and going all day long. If you do, have your office in the front of your store so you can personally greet your customers as they come in.

If you know them well, you can talk to them about their family, weekend, and much more. When they leave, don’t forget to wish them goodbye. Ask them how their experience was, so you can ensure that you are making your customers happy.

2. Direct mail

Many businesses like to send out letters, mailers, postcards, newsletters, and much more to keep their customers informed.

Though most people don’t enjoy junk mail, many customers may sign up for a newsletter that comes to their home.

3. Email

Email is a great way to keep in touch with your customers, especially since more people are connected all of the time.

Many check their emails regularly (several times a day) and you can send people many things through an email such as blog posts, articles, invitations, coupons, and much more.

4. Social Media

Social media gives business owners another way to keep in touch with their customers. Make sure that you have a Facebook page for your business, as well as a Twitter account.

You may find many other avenues that would be perfect for your business. Instagram and Pinterest may work well for your business.

Then, make sure that you are posting regularly on these sites so that your business is in your customer’s feed often. Don’t just post about your business. Find other things that would interest your customers that are related to your business.

Don’t forget that if someone messages you with a question or leaves a question in a comment, try to get it answered as soon as possible. Your customers want to feel important.

5. Blogs, Vlogs, and Podcasts

Blogs, vlogs, and podcasts are a great way to get new interest in your business, as well as keep your current customers informed. When people are looking for information, they are likely to see one of your blogs, vlogs, or podcasts.

If it is good enough, they will start looking for more and then try to learn more about you.

6. Events

Have events at your place of business. If you have enough interested parties, you may want to have your event somewhere else so you can help even more people. Host people to give talks that your customers will enjoy.

Have an away day with target audience groups (for example moms or parents) or even other business owners.

How to Get More Leads

Now that you know how to get more leads, it’s time to get started. Focus on finding high-quality content that you can give to your customers.

Then, try to reach them on social media, email lists, and even direct mailings. The more ways that you can get in front of your audience, the better off that you will be.

Contact us for more marketing tips.

3 Ways to Achieve a Higher Search Engine Placement

There are over 67,000 Google searches every second. With potential traffic like that, your site’s search engine placement is more important than ever. But how exactly can you improve your websites rank?

Here are 3 ways to boost your SEO so your site will rank higher and your business will attract more customers.

Mobile First

Mobile searches overtook desktop in 2015. Since then, the push toward responsive design and mobile-first SEO strategy hasn’t let up.

2018 marks another milestone in the mobile-first movement, with Google announcing in March that it’s rolling out mobile-first indexing. This means all searches, whether on mobile or desktop, will now index according to the content of their mobile view.

What does this mean for your SEO page rank? In a nutshell, you need to be thinking mobile-first.

Ensure your website is responsive and easy to navigate on mobile. If your mobile view is more streamlined than your desktop, also make sure the information essential to your SEO can be parsed by search engines.

Focus on Content

Search engines aim to deliver quality content to their users. Therefore, the best way to make search engines view your site favorably is to do just that.

Quality, relevant content is the key ingredient to a healthy page rank. It helps drive traffic, keeps users on your page for longer, and invites robust backlinks. All good things when it comes to your SEO.

Keyword stuffing is a thing of the distant past. Since search engines have updated their algorithms specifically to combat it, employing the tactic can actually hurt your page rank.

Instead of focusing on keywords, your content should be tailored to specific topics. You must know what your users are asking and craft your content to answer those queries specifically.

Relevancy doesn’t just apply to the quality of content, either. You should also ensure your site is updated regularly. New content is essential but keeping your older posts up-to-date is also an excellent way to tell search engines that your content is fresh and relevant.

Go Local

Local SEO is the practice of targeting your SEO efforts to a specific locale. If you have a brick and mortar location, this practice is one you can’t afford to overlook, because search engines certainly aren’t.

46% of all Google searches are local and search engines are meeting that user needs in a big way. If someone searches for pizza restaurants, for instance, Google will take their location into account when serving them results.

What does this mean for your business?

You should optimize your website for local search. Make sure your business’ contact details are prominent and up-to-date. All phone numbers should also be clickable on mobile.

When crafting content, choose topics relevant to your locale. It’s a great way to boost your local SEO but can also help you target less competitive keywords.

Boost Your Search Engine Placement

Search engine placement isn’t an exact science, but there are ways to boost your sites rank. By ensuring your site is mobile optimized, your content is well-crafted, and your local SEO is up to snuff, your site will be putting its best SEO foot forward.

Want to know how the GDPR impacts your business? Here’s everything you need to know about the GDPR.

Posted in SEO

5 Tips for Boosting Brand Value

Are you looking to build awareness for your small business and a raving customer base?

Did you know that failing to connect with customers is one of the biggest reasons that small businesses fail?

Creating a strong brand will help your business build serious rapport with your customers.

Read on to learn five tips for boosting brand value that you can implement today!

1. Know Your Customer

When focusing on brand marketing, ask yourself and your team how well you really know your target customers?

For each product or service category, you should create an ideal customer avatar.

Learn the wants, needs, fears, goals, and desires of your audience. This will help you speak their language in your branding and marketing.

2. Be Consistent

With any kind of marketing, consistency in your brand design is key.

Make sure your website, logo, content, and social media are congruent with imagery and color scheme.

Along with a consistent look and feel, consistent action is equally important. You don’t want your website and social media to look like a ghost town.

Set up a posting schedule and a content calendar to stay on top of this strategy with your blog and social profiles. You can even use a tool like Buffer or Hootsuite to schedule posts in advance.

3. Awareness Equals Introduction

One of the key focuses of your brand marketing should be awareness building.

While it’s important to build campaigns that turn prospects into customers, it’s a fruitless tactic if you don’t have an audience that’s already aware of your business.

Instead, spend more of your effort on the front end of your marketing. Think of awareness campaigns as a way of introducing yourself to a totally new audience.

Short videos, contests or giveaways, and blog posts that solve your customers’ problems is a great start to introductory content.

4. Don’t Fear Advertising

Posting on social media, managing SEO, and blogging are long-term traffic strategies for building your brand.

If you’re looking for a serious push in traffic, plan to invest in paid traffic.

Whether you target specific keywords with Google AdWords or find your target customers with Facebook Advertising, both platforms have huge advantages to building brand value online.

5. Don’t Leave Your Customers in the Dark

Just as awareness campaigns should be viewed as an introduction, it’s important to continue the relationship building over time to grow your brand.

Accomplish this by having a follow-up plan with your leads and customers.

Email marketing campaigns like newsletters and retargeting ads with special deals and discounts are a great way to build customer relationships that keep them in the loop and ready to buy in the future.

Boost Your Brand Value!

If you’re looking to build your brand value, these five tips will get you started leaving a lasting mark on your potential customers!

Following these strategies will help you build up a loyal following of customers that stay with your brand.

Not sure how to put these tips into practice? Contact us and we’ll be happy to help answer your questions!

Google Positioning: How to Rank Higher

Positioning your business to rank higher on Google sounds daunting to someone starting a website for the first time.

However, that’s mostly due to the fancy jargon. The basics of Google positioning actually aren’t that complicated.

Ranking higher isn’t about writing in a weird language or putting enough keywords in the article.

In fact, those things might hurt you. It is instead about recognizing the topics that people are searching for and picking the right one to get their attention.

By following these steps, beginners at Google ranking can expect to gain traffic from Google.

Write About What People Care About

Every day, people are searching Google for solutions to problems and answers to questions. Your goal is to position your content into the conversation about those problems and answers.

To get started, you’ll need to have a way to track the topics that people are searching for, which are called keywords.

SEO Book’s Keyword Suggestion Tool is an easy tracker to use. Enter your subject into the tool. Then, you’ll see a neat list of related phrases and the number of daily and monthly searches they get.

You can then cross-check the results with the total number of searches for the topic on Google.

If your phrase gets a high number of daily searches and has 10 million or less total results on Google, you have a good chance of ranking on the first page for it, since competitors probably won’t be as specific as your content will be.

Don’t Neglect Images

While Google doesn’t disclose the data, a significant percentage of its searches, perhaps as much as a third, are image searches.

Because Google often presents related images on the pages of its web search results, having a high ranking image on your site is a great way to get traffic.

To begin making the most of your image optimization, you should upload your file with the keywords or phrases in the name. For example, “Roman-Gladiator.jpg” will do much better in image searches than “egjudhcncjpg.”

Once your image is uploaded, make sure that its alternate text (which can be edited either in web software such as WordPress or in HTML) is related to your keywords or phrases. If possible, put your image above and below content that contains the keywords or phrases.

There’s much more to it than this, but it’s a good way to get started.

Keyword Density

In the early days of SEO, webmasters would stuff their content full of as many keywords as possible to rank high.

Those days are long gone and Google will now penalize anyone who does it.

Modern SEO isn’t about keyword stuffing, but creating content people will want to share and link to.

Your keywords instead should flow naturally in sentences crafted for readers, not search engine bots. This is the best way for people to like and share your content, which is ultimately the way that Google determines your site’s importance.

To avoid having Google think that you’re keyword stuffing, never have your keywords be more than 1% of your total text.

Improve your Google Positioning

While these are the basic steps that can help those new to Google positioning grow their sites and businesses, generating search engine growth can take time and be a tedious effort

If you’d like the help of a team of experienced professionals who specialize in growing the presence of businesses on Google, contact us.

Posted in SEO