
How to Find the Best Keywords for SEO: 5 Effective Tips

Posted by Mario Diaz

Google handles close to 7 billion searches each and every day. If you’re hoping to gain traction with any type of marketing, it only happens when you crack this search engine code.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the way to go about it. Learning as much as you can about SEO keywords will help you take your marketing to the next level.

Understanding the right methods and usage of these keywords is something that every brand and company should get to know. Here’s how to find the best keywords for SEO purposes.

1. Understand Your “Why” First

Knowing your “why” is more important than any arbitrary SEO tips and tricks alone. Examine your company’s mission and goals, and understand what impact you’re trying to create.

Understanding your end game will help you create topics that hit their mark, along with the best primary and secondary keywords to use. Create customer personas to understand the mindstate of your revenue base. Reverse engineer these details as you research queries and keywords.

2. Consider a Mix of Short-Tail and Long-Tail Keywords

Your SEO strategies should include a mixture of short-tail and long-tail keywords. Using short-tail keywords can increase your search volume, improve your conversions, and get you an influx of traffic.

Long-tail keywords are helpful in that they get you more specific traffic and can better target your customer demographics. You’ll want to incorporate a mixture of these keywords in your blog posts and elsewhere on your site so that you can get results.

3. Conduct Deep Keyword Research

Learning how to find keywords using tools and resources is critical. Start by examining your niche and the types of searches that your customers might make.

Target your goals and draw up some topics. Use a keyword research tool to find the most relevant primary and secondary keywords based on the topics you come up with.

4. Make Use of Local Keywords

Just shy of 50% of all Google queries are for local searches. You can win big when you’re able to pinpoint some keywords that pertain to a city or geographical area.

Mastering your local keywords allows you to compete on both a global and local scale. Local keywords are also helpful for mobile SEO. This is critical since mobile traffic is expected to increase by 25% in the coming years.

5. Incorporate Your Keywords With Care

After you’ve done some keyword research, it’s time to put them to use. Implementing your keywords with care will help you get the results that you seek.

Exercise the best web design principles so that you can give people the user experience (UX) they deserve. Use keywords at a density that makes it readable and not distracting, while still getting the best SEO results and bump in traffic.

Find the Best Keywords for SEO

Knowing how to research and use the best keywords for SEO can help you take your brand to the next level. It’s also a strategy that can bring in lots of revenue no matter what sort of company you run.

Consider these tips and check out our other articles related to business and marketing. If you’re ready to start a project, contact us on our site, or give us a call at (800)-542-4783.