
How to Write a Slamming Introductory Post on Instagram

Posted by Mario Diaz

According to Word Stream, there are around 200 million business profiles on Instagram.

There’s no denying that Instagram is a valuable tool for businesses everywhere. It offers you the chance to identify customers, learn more about them, and connect with them on a human level. In turn, you can develop brand awareness and even boost sales through your IG profile.

When you’re starting, however, it can be tricky to make the right moves. In this post, we’ll tell you how to write the perfect introductory post on Instagram for your business. Keep reading and make the right first impression.

Provide Essential Information

Firstly, you want to make sure you’re doing your due diligence with your very first post. When you’re creating the image and drafting the text, make sure all of the information you want to get across is there.

Introduce yourself and what you aim to do. If you’ve got a company logo already, make that the first photo, along with whatever business slogan you’ve come up with.

Your Story

An introductory post should give some background into how your business came about. Don’t be afraid to tell your story. Consumers love to know who the people are behind a new business and what led them to the point of launching it.

You can implement a series of photographs in a carousel to provide some visuals along with your background story. This is the best way to develop a brand identity and connect with followers right away.

The Problem and USP

You should also make sure you’re laying out the problem that your business aims to solve. Every new business should identify a gap in the marketplace that they’re going to fill. When you identify the right customers and they see that you’re tackling important problems, you’ll immediately grab their attention.

Finish off the post with a unique selling proposition. The USP hammers home what sets you apart from other similar businesses. Understanding this in the early stages of launching the business is crucial in getting off on the right foot.


Most of the time, you’ll put up your introductory post ahead of launching the business. If this is the case, include a countdown letting followers know when you’ll be up and running. You can even repost it to your IG story with a countdown clock to give them a clear visual.

Make the Vibe Right

Lastly, make sure to proofread your post before sending it out to make sure the vibe is right. Your tone of voice and visual representation are two sides of the branding coin.

It’s crucial to nail both if you’re going to connect with your target audience. Start drafting your first post early on so you have time to get it just right.

Get Help With Your Introductory Post on Instagram

Your introductory post on Instagram is like the mission statement for your business. Not every business owner knows exactly how to present themselves on social media. If this describes your situation, don’t be afraid to get help with your social media marketing.

Enfuse Creative Design is a comprehensive web design and digital marketing firm. We’ve helped countless small businesses launch with the right messaging, so contact us today and let us help you draw up the perfect first post.