Did you know that it takes 10 seconds for people to form an impression about a brand? If you only have 10 seconds for people to form an impression about your business, then you need to make it a positive one. With the help of brand development, you can make sure your brand is recognized. […]
Establish Your Brand: A Quick Guide to Leveraging Promotional Marketing
Over 627,000 businesses are started each year, making it increasingly difficult to stand out among the crowd. Which explains why so many businesses are consistently looking towards promotional marketing strategies to help draw in new customers. Still, you may feel intimidated or unsure of where to begin when it comes to these marketing techniques. You’re […]
Time for a Change: 4 Signs You Need a Logo Redesign
It takes just 10 seconds for someone to make up their mind about your brand. If that’s all you get, you better make those 10 seconds count. When potential customers see your logo for the first time, you need to make a lasting impression. An outdated logo can leave them thinking you’re outdated, too. If you’re […]
Hardening WordPress: 5 Tips to Protect Your WP Site
WordPress is one of the most popular website creation tools out there. Did you know that WordPress runs 34% of the entire internet? Since it’s so popular, hardening WordPress is also important. Security is the foundation of any website, without it, it could be hacked and taken over. Your information and security could be open to […]
9 Exciting Social Media Marketing Trends
Facebook boasts a record of 2.23 billion monthly active users. And that’s only one of more than five commonly used social media platforms. Social media platforms are creating novel innovative features. Anyone who wants to remain relevant must align their strategies to every change that comes their way. This guide will boost your knowledge with the latest social media […]
A Guide to Content Optimization
More than 40% of online businesses capture revenue through organic traffic. But before you can start capitalizing off organic traffic, you need to optimize your website. Content optimization not only helps businesses increase traffic but also improves conversion rates. Your margins will thank you. Want to know how to start optimizing your online content? Keep […]
7 Ways to Create an Exciting Email Newsletter
An email newsletter is more than a marketing campaign — it’s the easiest way for you to let your customers know just how much you appreciate them. That said, not all newsletters are equal. Some campaigns can be instrumental in nurturing and building relationships with returning customers. But, when done incorrectly, a reoccurring newsletter can […]
5 Ways to Increase Traffic to Your Website
If you have a website, but no one visits it, do you really have a site at all? A website with no users cannot accomplish whatever the goal of that site may be. So, the question is, how do you attract people to your website? Fortunately, driving online traffic to your site can be a breeze […]
How to Design a Website That Reflects Your Brand Identity
Your business is more than the things you make and the products you sell. It’s the connections you make and the values you bring people together under. People don’t just see your logo when they look into your company; they also see everything your company is associated with. That’s known as your brand identity, and […]
6 Principles of Clean Website Design
Web design is becoming one of the hottest careers out there. In fact, it’s considered one of the best-paying entry-level jobs available. But there are keys to developing a clean website design. Wondering how to design a website like the pros? We’ve picked out the top six web design principles for expert sites. Read on […]